By September 11, 2024
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Hi Rosie, I have been looking online to find swingers in my local area, and I have noticed that a few swinger couples, in their online profiles, have stated that they are looking for long-term swinger friends with who they can fluid bond with. My question, or rather questions, are as follows: is fluid bonding and bareback the same thing? How popular is this in the lifestyle, and how could it be practised safely?- AJ California    Dear AJ, Thank you for your questions. Although this particular ...
By August 27, 2024
She said his penis was small, and now things are awkward! Help! Hi there; recently, my wife and I had an interaction with another couple we met online and had become friendly with. After we had all finished playing, my wife revealed to me that she thought the other bloke's penis was quite small and didn't want to meet up with them again. This has now caused an issue as my wife doesn't want a repeat, but the other girl does. We are friends with this couple, and now things are a bit awkward when...
By August 15, 2024
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I am worried I sound like a pervert when I talk about sex!   Hi Rosie, my wife and I have been married for ten years, and our relationship is excellent. About six months ago, I suggested exploring the non-monogamy, or swinger lifestyle. She was more on board than I thought she would be, and we subsequently watched some YouTube videos and tried to educate ourselves further. Since this exciting start, however, we have struggled to have further conversations; when I suggest visiting a swinger clu...
By July 24, 2024
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Hi Rosie, my partner and I had an incredible swinging experience while we were on vacation. We hooked up with a fun couple, and everything was amazing. Fast forward to Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt and uncle's house, and to our shock, one of the people we played with walks in. Turns out, he's my second cousin! We locked eyes across the table, both of us frozen in shock. We didn't know what to do, and my partner and I didn't speak to the second cousin during the dinner. Now we have to navigate t...
By July 17, 2024
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Hi Rosie, My husband and I are relatively new to the world of swinging. We have spoken to some couples online and have checked out a swingers club locally that we might visit, and although I am not opposed to it, I am struggling to see what role I can play. It's not that I don't want to be part of the lifestyle; I do, but I don't feel I can be intimate with men other than my husband. Whenever I speak to my husband about how I am feeling, he doesn't seem to understand where I am coming from and s...
By July 9, 2024
Hi, Rosie, Is your wife cuckolding you with your boss too risky? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, as it's something that has been going around in my mind for so long. Do you think it's possible, or am I just going to cause problems by even suggesting it? Thank you for your question.   Thank you for your question, Cuckolding is a practice I have written about previously and a dynamic that I myself have practised. It appears that cuckolding and Ethical Non-Monogamy go hand in hand, but to...
By July 1, 2024
What should we take when meeting a swinger couple at their house?    Hi Rosie, my wife and I started swinging about six months ago, and we have so far been to a swingers club- where we had a soft swap experience and have also been talking to some swinger couples online with the hope of meeting up for a date and maybe more! The last time we spoke to a couple online, they told us about a private meet at their house they were planning, and this got us thinking: should my wife and I choose to atte...
By June 25, 2024
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Yikes, my partner is moving too fast!   Hi Rosie, my partner and I started swinging about six months ago, and we met a couple in private who we found online. We also visited a swingers club three times. Although I enjoy it, and I am on board with it, my male partner, whom I have been with for 2 years, often gets very 'fired up' when speaking to other swingers online or looking at clubs. I understand that he is enthusiastic, but I often feel he makes decisions without considering how I might fe...
By June 17, 2024
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Rejection? Or just busy?   Hi Rosie, I am a single woman in the swinger lifestyle and I have been part of the scene for around 6 months. I have attended a social event here in my hometown and spoke to a few couples online.   Two weeks ago, I had my first meeting with a couple. We have all been getting along fine, and we chat in a group chat every other day, but over the last few days, I have noticed that their responses have become less frequent, and they seem less engaged than they were be...
By June 13, 2024
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What if I can’t get it up?   Hi Rosie, I am a 45-year-old single man who is new to the scene. I can't wait to attend my first event and play with couples, but what if I can’t get hard? Is this normal in the lifestyle?   Signed, excited but anxious, Berlin, Germany ...