Using this Website
By Published on September 27, 2023

What Happens to the Videos You Post

Your Videos are only available on CNM4US. They are not published anywhere else.

We've taken care of all the technical details for you. Just upload your video and we will modify it so that everyone can watch it, no matter what kind of device they have and no matter what type of connection they have.

You must have a Verified account to upload videos.

CNM4US.com uses Mux to transcode and display/deliver your videos. We do not store your videos on our servers.

Mux is an enterprise-grade video transcoding and delivery service.

What is Transcoding?

Transcoding is the process of changing one video format into different video formats. There are many different video encoding formats. They include MOV, MP4, WMV, FLV, AVI, and many others. Which video format you are producing depends on the device you are using to create videos. Each of these formats requires a different method of display. Creating a video that you can watch on your device is no problem. The trick is creating a video that anyone can watch on any device.

Getting your video off of your device, and onto the internet in a format where anyone can view it on their device, is actually pretty complicated. That is why services like Mux exist.

Mux receives your video and then transodes into a variety of different formats, with each format being rendered for different bandwidths.

Mux calculates which device each of your viewers is using (iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, etc), how much bandwidth each of them have (the Mississippi River or a little creek) and then delivers the right video format and the right video resolution for each user.

How Long Does It Take?

1 - 2 minutes. Immediately after your upload, you'll see a message that Mux will make your video available shortly. If you go immediately to your videos section, you may not see your video there yet. Usually, it will be there in less than 1 minute after the upload is complete.

Who Can See My Video?

Your video is only published on CNM4US and nowhere else. Your video can be viewed on CNM4US.com by anyone who posseses the permissions that you designated when you uploaded your video. You can also edit and modify those permissions through your CNM4US.com account at anytime.

You can configure video viewing permissions in any of the following ways

  1. Anyone who is logged into CNM4US.com can view the video.
  2. Any of your FRIENDS on CNM4US.com can view the video
  3. Your FRIENDS and your FRIENDS OF FRIENDS (only one level of separation) can view the video
  4. Customized Privacy List: You can designate which of your FRIENDS can view the video.


The Mux API enables us to designate a watermark for videos prior to their being transcoded into different formats.

All uploaded videos are automatically marked with a CNM4US watermark in the lower-left portion of the video. We do this only to discourage others from downloading and redistributing your videos. CNM4US does not claim to own any of your photos or videos.

Community Guidelines

Remember, nudity is acceptable (and encouraged) in videos. However, videos may not be sexually explicit. For questions, please review the Community Guideliines.

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