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The Gist
The article is written from a psychologist's perspective and aims to guide people who are interested in exploring non-monogamy but are unsure how to initiate that conversation with their partner. It stresses that both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships can be ethical and fulfilling.
Key Points
Definition: Non-monogamy is defined as a committed romantic relationship where all partners consent to sexual and/or romantic encounters with other consenting individuals. Types include swinging, polyamory, and open relationships.
Misconceptions: The article debunks some myths, like the idea that non-monogamy is a sign of unhappiness or that it's about fulfilling unmet needs. Research shows that non-monogamous relationships can offer similar levels of satisfaction as monogamous ones.
Prevalence: Interest in non-monogamy has been on the rise, but accurate data is still lacking. Studies suggest that non-monogamy is practiced by people from varied backgrounds.
Starting the Conversation: The article offers a step-by-step guide on how to approach your partner about non-monogamy. Here's a quick rundown:
- Self-Reflection: Understand your own motivations first.
- Realistic Expectations: Be prepared for a range of emotional responses from your partner.
- Right Time and Place: Choose a conducive environment for the discussion.
- Outline Intentions: Be clear about what you're proposing and why.
- Active Listening: Pay close attention to your partner's thoughts and feelings.
- Separate Individual and Relationship Needs: Work together to find what's best for the relationship.
- Give Time and Resources: Allow your partner time to process and offer them resources to understand non-monogamy better.
Resources: The article ends with a list of books, podcasts, and workshops that can provide further insights into non-monogamy.
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