Using this Website
By Published on October 10, 2023

Featured Member—What's That?

See the yellow flag with the white diamond when you are searching for Members? That is the Featured Member flag. Featured Members also have yellow PINS on the Members Map.


How do you qualify to be Featured?

Featured members have met some nominal threshold of credibility by being either ID Verified, or Community Confirmed. See the blog post on Member Badges for more details.

To Be Featured, or Not To Be Featured?

People's availability for the Lifestyle typically comes and goes in waves. People might be very, very available to make new friends. People might also have as many friends as they can manage time for. Sometimes people have to give the Lifestyle a break to focus on family, education, career. Then, a window opens up and they are suddenly more available.

Members request to be Featured because they have some extra availability to make new friends.

How to Get Our Profile Featured?

First, you can only be featured if your profile is either ID Verified, or Community Confirmed. No exceptions.

Next, just message Admin and request to have have your profile featured. That's it.

If life gets busy and you don't like dealing with all the incoming requests, just message Admin and ask to be un-Featured.





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