CNM4US Chat Features
CNM4US chat is based on CometChat, an enterprise chat solution. CometChat has a rich and reliable feature set. To activate the chat feature, click on the the burgundy chat icon in the bottom-right corner of your browser window.
Once opened, you will see icons at the bottom of your chat screen for
- Chats: conservations already started with other members or groups. Click on a chat to pickup where you left off.
- Users: You can search for Users by Username.
- Groups: All public groups will be visible to you. There are also PRIVATE groups that are not visiblel to you unless you've been invited.
Controlling which users can message you:
- LImit Types of Users: Your Privacy Settings has an option for [Who can] Send you a message. Options are 1) Community, 2) Friends Only, and 3) No One
- Block Specific User: Within a specific Chat -> User window, there is an Information icon (an "i") that exposes a BLOCK Option.
Additionally, every profile has the question: Single Male Contact. In general, we welcome (well behaved) single males (single females too). However, not all couples want the attention of Single Males. If you message individual profiles who have clearly indicated in their profile that they do not want contact from Single Males you will get you BANNED from this site.
Only Privileged Accounts Can Use Chat
Limited/Anonymous accounts can receive messages from other members, but they cannot message anyone or reply. In order to message other members, these accounts must upgrade to either
- Age Verified by Credit Card, or
- Age Verifed by ID
You can attach photos and videos to your chats.
Joining Groups
All groups that are visible to you in the Chat window are available for you to participate in.
There are some private groups that you cannot see. You can send Admin a message to join a private group. Some of the Public Groups have Private Counterparts.
- Bisexual Men
- Bisexual Men (Private) [ not visible to everyone ]
- Cuckolds
- Cuckolds (Private) [ not visible to everyone ]
- Women (Private) [ not visible to everyone ]
Women's (Private) group: You must offer up some proof that you are a woman to join the woman's group.If you registered for the site via the ID Verification package, that provides sufficient proof--assuming it's the woman who is ID verified. Otherwise, we'll need a g-rated photo of your face with a quick note that reads, "I want to join the woman's group". The entire point of this group is to provide a space for women to talk to women about the Lifestyle. Trans-women are welcome also. We just want to filter out cis-gendered men wanting to lurk in women's-only conversations.
Bisexual Men or Cuckolds Groups: If you are just curious about these group, please join the public versions. The private groups are intended for people who identify with the Bisexual Men, and their wives or girlfriends or the Cuckold's scene including the cuckold, wives/girlfriends, and bulls.
SwingRing Phone - Audio Calling Feature
Talk to other members on your phone--without giving up your phone number!
If you and the person you wish to call are both logged into the site, and looking at the chat app, you will notice a telephone icon beside the user's name, in the upper-right portion of the chat window. Clicking on that button will make an audio call to that user. The other user will see an overlay screen with blue button to ACCEPT the call and a red button to DECLINE the call. As soon as they ACCEPT, you two will be able to hear each other, just like a regular phone call. Only, it will be through the chat app and not your phone service--and not your phone number!
CometChat provides an audit log of all conversations. We do spotcheck chats to ensure there is no 1) sex trafficking, 2) child pornography, 3) anything that looks demeaning or non-consensual. Please remember our Community Guidelines regarding not allowing sexually explicit photos.
Our Chat feature has a REPORTING feature. If you mouse over any message or attachment, some icons will popup. One of these icons is a flag. Clicking on that flag icon will bring up a list of REPORTING options. Select one of the options and click Submit Report. You will remain anonymous. We regulary monitor the site reporting feature.
If someone is violating our Community Guidelines, you should feel free to GENTLY remind them of the community guidelines. If they apologize, then all is good. If they don't take a gentle hint, then please do not play the enforcer. It just escalates the situation. Just report them and we will take care of it. If we see they ignored a gentle reminder about the Community Guidelines, their consequences will be more severe.
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