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Complete your Profile
Complete your profile and let people know it's active! We will delete the accounts of Unverified users who have yet to upload an avatar and cover image after 30 days.
- Upload an Avatar Image
- Upload a Cover Image
- Add your Postal Code
- Answer the Profile Questions
Your Avatar
Your avatar image should be square and about 400px X 400px. You'll have a chance to position it the way you like.
Your Cover Image
Your cover image should be about 1200px wide. You'll also have the chance to position that.
You can search and download images from Select Tools -> Size -> Large and find an image at least 1200px wide.
Postal Code and Map Placement
Your postal code is how other members find you in the Member Search and Events Search. In your Privacy Settings, you can control who can see your location. In this setting, "Community" means Verified Members as Unverified Members cannot view the Map or your profile. This setting has options for [ Community, Friends, No One ].
CNM4US only uses larger region Postal Code identifiers. For example, in the U.S. a larger region identifier might be 90210. That might represent 5,000 - 10,000 homes. Not very specific. However, in the U.S. a postal code of 90210-2345 will represent a single residence. That is far too specific. Even if you enter 90210-2345 in your profile's postal code field, we will only use 90210. We will disregard the -2345 and place your map PIN right in the middle of 90210.
Parts of Europe may have larger identifiers like M1, which would represent thousands of residential units. M1 represents a part of Manchester U.K. However, M1 1AF might represent a single block or a single residential apartment building. Again, that's too specific. If you enter a postal code like M1 1AF, CNM4US will only use M1 and disregard the 1AF part. We will place your map pin in the middle of M1 Manchester.
The main reason we do this is for safety. Additionally, it drastically speeds up map rendering.
About Me
Tell people a little about yourself. Keep it short. Or, make the top paragraph a summary of your key points. What are you looking for? Dos and don'ts, boundaries, etc.
Include keywords that people may search for.
Your Age
We ask couples to enter their average age to keep the Member Search simple.
Relationship Status
You can indicate your relationship status to another profile on the site.
Member Profile Looking for
Tell people what you are looking for in other members. That way, when other members use the Search, they can find you.
Interested in These Activities
Select all that apply so that people who share your interests can find you more easily.
CNM Styles
There are multiple options here for Lifestyle, Polyamory, and Open Relationship. Some people only look for members with an FWB (Friends-With-Benefits) approach. Others are only looking for members who are DTF (Down to Fuck).
Single Male Contact
Let other members know if you are open to contact from single males and, if so, under what conditions.
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