Using this Website
By Published on March 24, 2024

CNM4US Events - Lifestyle Networking Made Easy

CNM4US members can view Events on the CNM4US worldwide Event Map. This map is always centered on the CNM4US member's Postal Code or Alternate Address (if they are traveling).



Members can narrow the map to their immediate neighborhood or expand it to the size of a nation or the entire globe.

Members can also filter the map by categories such as:

  • Booty Call
  • Date - Social Only
  • Live Group Call (Online)
  • Photo Contest (Online)
  • Meet-n-Greets
  • Play Party
  • Hotel Take Over
  • Festival

Only Verified Members can create events. 

However, Unverified Members can search and view events, RSVP, and post comments and replies to those events.

Event Visibility

You can make events visible to Friends Only if you wish, or you can create events that are visible to the entire community—worldwide. It's up to you!

Examples: Booty Call

Let's say a couple is looking for booty calls from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Saturday.

They can create a Booty Call event for Saturday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. If they mark it recurring, it will appear on the CNM4US worldwide Events Map until the scheduled End Date (a maximum of 50 future events).

Mark a Location

You can enter an exact address, or you can enter a City, Landmark, or postal code. That gives everyone an idea of whether you are in range. You can provide an exact address later when appropriate.

Write a Description

We are available most Saturdays. Check out our profile. Verified users can message us directly. Unverified users are welcome to leave a post on this Event, and we'll get back to you.

No Guarantees. If we are available and like your profile, we can hook up!

Who can see it? 

That depends on the Event's Privacy Settings.

If you set the Event's Privacy Settings to Everyone, then the public can see the following:

  • Your Booty Call Event (Photos, Description, and Details)
  • Your Avatar and Member Name
  • All Posts and Comments

CNM4US members can see the Event on the CNM4US worldwide Events Map.

Only CNM4US members can RSVP or leave comments. But anyone can join CNM4US for free. Even Unverified Members can RSVP and leave posts and comments.

The rest of the privacy options are truly remarkable. 

  • Community (CNM4US logged-in members)
  • Friends
  • Friends of Friends
  • Invitee Only
  • Only Me (place your Booty Call on hold for a couple of weeks)
  • Custom Privacy List

Examples: Meet-n-Greets

CNM4US Events makes Meet-n-Greets easy to organize. 

Only the event creator must be verified. It's easy, takes about 2 minutes, and is free.

You can make your Meet-n-Greet visible to the Public by URL. Everyone can see the Event's description, details, posts, and comments.

CNM4US members can see the event on the CNM4US worldwide Events Map.

People who register (for free) with CNM4US can RSVP to the Event and post comments and replies.

Your CNM4US friends will automatically receive a notice about the Event in their feed.

If you created the Event in a Page or Group, everyone who follows that Page or Group will automatically receive a notice about it in their feed.


You can invite other CNM4US members by username. You can also invite members of the public via email address.

Examples: Video Call 

You want to host a weekly video call for couples interested in Consensual Non-Monogamy.

By selecting the category Live Group Call, you get an extra field for an Oline Link. Place your Zoom Conference call link in that field.

Now, everyone who can see your Event can click on the link when it's time for the Live Group Call.

Examples: Play Party

Create an Event from your CNM4US Closed Group. 

Everyone can see the Event thumbnail. However, only members of your Group can click through to the details to see posts, comments, and the list of attendees.

All CNM4US Members will see your Event PIN on the CNM4US worldwide Events Map.

CNM4US Members (Verified or Unverified) can request to join your Group. However, they won't be able to view the content on your Group until you approve their membership.

You can review these members' profiles before you approve their request to join. Check to see if they are Verified or have badges for Community Confirmed, Couple, or Hall Pass.

In the future, as your Group membership grows, each new Event you create will automatically appear in your Group members' feed. 

How Can CNM4US Provide All this for Free? 

Eventually, CNM4US will charge for subscriptions. At some point in the future, only Verified Subscribers will be able to create Groups, Pages, and Events. However, for now, Verified Members can do all these things whether or not they are Subscribers.

CNM4US will always support Free, Unverified Accounts. So you can count on being able to manage your Groups and Pages with dozens (or hundreds) of Unverified, Free members.

We believe our very reasonable pricing and terrific feature set will eventually convince many (maybe most) of the Unverified, Free members to subscribe. 






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