Managing Your Page
If you are a CNM related business or organization, contact us for your own Page on the site. You must be a CNM related businesses that is sex-positive, inclusive and women oriented are accepted.
If you have an established business with an established audience, with an established customer base, then we will provide you with free account, but you will still be required to go through the standard verification process.
Pages are for Businesses and Organizations
Pages are meant to promote businesses and organizations. Everything you publish on a Page is visble to the public--except for the Photos and Videos section. CNM4US members, both verified and unverifed, can view your Photos and Videos.
CNM4US members who follow your page will see your content come across their feed. Depending on each member's Account Notification Settings, they may get an email notification when you post new events.
Typical Types of Businesses
- Lifestyle Coaches
- ENM Therapists
- Swinger Clubs
- Party Hosts
- Erotic Photographers
- Etc.
The following sections are accessible by the public.
- Members
- Your Feed
- Events - All CNM4US members can RSVP to your events. You can also invite people to your events by using the event invitation feature.
- Marketplace - The public can see the details of your Marketplace items, but only CNM4US Members can complete a purchase. You can also repost these to social media.
- Blogs - You can also repost these to social media.
- Polls
CNM4US members can also see
- Photos
- Videos
You can post photos and videos that are nude and erotic. We are able to host videos that are much spicer that YouTube or Vimeo would allow. Videos can be completely nude and very erotic. Though, the cannot be sexually explict. See our Community Guideliness for the details on what's allowed.
How do you Create a Page?
First, only Verified Members can have their own Page. Unverified free accounts can join a Page, but the person who manages the Page must be a Verified Member.
Contact admin to create a Page for you.
Why can't we just create our own Page?
Because sites that allow their members to create their own Pages are full of long dead and useless Pages. Pages are for business and organizations. We would like to talk with you to verify that you actually represent that busines or organization.
We want businesses and organizations to manage their own Pages. We are happy to set up a Page for you. But, serious inquiries only, please.
Contact Us
- Messaage Admin using the Messaging app.
- Email admin:
- You can reach us with the Contact Form.
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