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By Published on January 24, 2025

What Happens When A Couple Go From Monogamy to Ethical Non-Monogamy?

Going from a previously monogamous relationship to a newly Ethically non-monogamous one is something that needs careful consideration, communication and compromise.

When you are looking to explore Ethical Non-Monogamy, it can be hard to know where to begin and what might happen to your relationship. Very often the biggest question a couple has is ‘is this going to jeopardise our relationship? I understand what it is like, which is why I chose to create this article for you. If you are a couple who are thinking about journeying into Ethical Non-Monogamy, here is what that journey can look like.

How To Go From Monogamy to Ethical Non-Monogamy

I create a lot of content surrounding stigma, misconceptions and myths surrounding ethical non-monogamy and the relationship types associated with it. I also write extensively about the swinger lifestyle, how best to get started, and how to meet people. But what I haven’t done was create a piece of content that explains what happens when a couple decides to go from a previously monogamous relationship to an ethically non-monogamous one. After all, if you are interested in having an open relationship, or starting swinging, then this is a process that you are likely to embark upon yourself. I often refer to swinging as a ‘journey’ for the both of you to go on; in this article, you will find all the details of what that journey can look like and what to do next if you want to have a successful, ethically non-monogamous relationship.

Transitioning From Monogamy To Ethical Non-Monogamy I believe that the process of unlearning what you have previously learnt about relationships is the first step in going from a previously monogamous relationship to a newly ethically non-monogamous one. And this is no mean feat! If, like so many people, you have previously been taught that the ‘correct way’ to have a relationship is to be monogamous and that even discussing the possibility that there are other relationship types is wrong or taboo, don’t worry; you are not alone.

As a society, we aren’t taught about Ethical non-monogamy or alternative relationships, so not knowing where to begin or if you should even begin is entirely understandable. I feel the topic of societal expectations regarding relationship types would make a whole other blog topic, so before I get carried away, I will make a note to revisit that particular topic later. What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is an umbrella term for a relationship where romantic and, or sexual connections are extended past the committed relationship of two people. Regardless of whether both parties participate or not, they both give their consent and fully understand what the relationship entails.

An ethically non-monogamous relationship can take on many forms. How a couple decides to have a non-monogamous relationship can vary depending on what each party is comfortable with. As a relationship evolves, what a couple may want or may not want to experience will, in all likelihood, change, so it is essential to see Ethical Non-monogamy as a versatile lifestyle choice influenced by other external factors. There is no right or wrong way to be Ethically Non-monogamous. Still, all forms of this relationship type have one resounding factor; they are all based on honesty and clear communication and are in no way coercive. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to ethical non-monogamy, and many people who identify as ENM all have their approach to how they choose to practice it. In simple terms, ethical non-monogamy is the practice of having relationships or enjoying sex or other intimacies outside of a traditionally monogamous relationship.

Why Do People Choose Ethical Non-Monogamy?

As there are many ways to practice Ethical Non-Monogamy, it offers flexibility that many traditional monogamous relationships do not. Some couples are swingers and retain all of the emotional exclusivity they have within their relationship; whilst enjoying sex with others; they may only have sex or swap only when the other person is present. Whereas if you have a polyamorous relationship, you may enjoy both an emotional and a physical connection with other people as well as your partner. And if you are in an open relationship, you might meet men and women separately, without your spouse, but are still emotionally exclusive with them.

Bisexuality and Ethical Non-Monogamy

People who identify as bisexual often enjoy ethical non-monogamy as it offers them the freedom to explore their sexuality whilst keeping their existing relationship intact. Through ethical non-monogamy, you can explore your sexuality and discover new ways to enjoy intimacy with and without your partner, but always with their consent, whilst maintaining your existing relationship. Although different, all of these relationships share a common trait: they start from rock-solid beginnings. When you start sharing your desires with your partner, you develop deep trust and understanding As soon as a couple has decided to participate in one of these monogamy alternatives, they often avoid falling into the familiar traps of being hurt, having fights and deceitful behaviour associated with monogamous relationships.

Another reason people may choose to be non-monogamous is because they believe that relying on one person to fulfil you sexually for the rest of your life is pretty unrealistic.

Is Ethical Non-Monogamy Healthy For Your Relationship?

It is a strange realisation that many couples have, but by opening up their relationship, they actually become closer. Having honest conversations will become easier. Showing vulnerable emotions will become second nature. You will learn how to support one another on a deep, personal level as you connect with your partner and understand what is integral to them. By supporting them in this way, you are encouraging them to flourish, and in turn, your relationship becomes so much stronger for it. Even if you aren’t on the same page or don’t enjoy the same things, you can still go on the journey together to facilitate these fantasies and vice versa. Together you will share and discover your kinks, desires and passions.

Better Sex Life– It is no surprise that your sex life gets a revamp when you start discussing Ethical Non-monogamy. The more you learn and discover, the more you develop your own ideas about what makes sex great. If you don’t explore, you may never find out! And where’s the fun in that?

All Your Needs and Desires Are Met– I chose to start swinging because my bisexual desires still needed to be met. Through ethical non-monogamy, I get to have all the emotional attachment I desire while still being able to enjoy the Bisexual side of my sexuality.

Can You Learn To Be Ethically Non Monogamous?

Opening up your relationship and joining the non-monogamy lifestyle can bring more closeness and emotional exclusivity to your relationship. Still, it’s hard to understand when you are first getting started. The foundations of an excellent non-monogamous relationship are based on honesty and trust. You don’t have to have been together years before you start swinging; there are no rules that state that ethical non-monogamy is strictly for long-term couples, as long as there is trust and communication. I believe it is quite possible to learn how to be ethically non-monogamous as most couples involved in the lifestyle all previously started as monogamous.

What Happens When You Practice Ethical Non-Monogamy?

However you decide to explore ethical non-monogamy, I believe one thing is guaranteed to happen; you will experience a different kind of emotional intimacy. You and your partner will be given the chance to share and express parts of your sexuality previously hidden.

Who wouldn’t want to share their innermost desires with the person they feel most comfortable and sexy with? Sharing without the fear of being judged is a beautiful feeling. The connection and understanding you create could never be replaced by someone who isn’t in the lifestyle. It simply wouldn’t work.

Starting In Ethical Non-Monogamy- Where To Go From Here?

So, you have read this far, and now you are probably thinking, okay, but how do we start, or how do I talk to my partner about it? If you are looking to get started in ethical non-monogamy and want to discover how to keep your existing relationship intact but have hundreds of questions and concerns while simultaneously wondering where all these swingers clubs are, Well, here are a few suggestions. You can read my guide on how to have a successful, ethically non-monogamous relationship and get the answers to the most frequently asked questions I receive from people new to ENM.

To do this, get your hands on a copy of My Complete Guide To Ethical Non-Monogamy. Or, you can schedule an initial call with me, Rosie Kay, Open Relationship Coach and talk to me in person to discuss how I can help you get started.

If you have read this article and are now thinking, ‘I’d love to explore Ethical Non-monogamy, but how can I talk to my partner about it? Don’t worry; I can help you too. In fact, I am asked this question so frequently that I decided to make a dedicated guide on ‘How Can I Talk To My Wife About Starting Swinging? This guide teaches you everything you need to know on how to have a conversation and how to overcome the fear of rejection. It also gives you insight into what many women think when they hear the words swinging or open relationship. It also advises you on the next steps to take.

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