By Published on March 18, 2025

How To Write A Great Swinger Dating App Profile


Recently, I've been conversing with my coaching clients about swinger dating apps. These conversations have ranged from which to use to what to include to which to avoid, and I wanted to make a piece of content where I share my top tips on How To Write A Great Swinger Dating App Profile with you.


From what I've seen


Swinger dating apps, like 'regular' dating apps, are now becoming the norm if you want to meet other like-minded people. There are, of course, a few' market leaders' and ones that I prefer, but regardless of the one you choose, the format of them is the same. And sometimes, it can be hard to get down what you need to get down in just a few 100 characters. Plus, with today's 'expendable' mindset, standing out in a somewhat crowded marketplace can be hard.


If a person doesn't meet every bit of criteria that can be gained from the limited amount of space they are given to 'sell' themselves, they are cast aside, or shall I say, swiped aside in the hope of finding a 'perfect' fit. When using apps, the ability to dismiss someone instantly sadly leads to many people feeling disillusioned and disappointed.


But it doesn't have to be that way.


After reading this article, you will know exactly what to write in your profile, how to 'sell yourself' successfully, why you only need a selection of photos and why playing it safe, aka generic, won't work. Also included at the end of this article are three swinger dating sites I recommend!




Your username is probably the most important thing you will write on your app profile. Our opinions on people are formed in an instant, so think carefully. A great username is not overly sexualised but gives an idea of what you like without being explicit. On some apps, you sign up, and your name becomes your username, so give it some thought if you don't want your real name included in your username.


Choose a couple positive/swinger-positive usernames. You would be surprised at the amount of vulgar and downright ridiculous screen names I've seen over the years. If you are a couple, then having a user name that includes both of you is a great start. mrandmrskink or WElovetoplay are both positive-sounding examples. If you are a single person, then you could use your name or a variant of, for instance, MissKayIndependent_ or SexySteven!


Whatever name you choose, bear in mind that it will form another person's impression of you, so give it some thought! When using apps, the ability to dismiss someone instantly sadly leads to many people feeling disillusioned and disappointed. If you have a dominant personality, then choosing a name that oozes confidence is charm is a good idea! Single Women: think confident and sexy.


If you want to be taken seriously and be approached by swingers who see you as a person and not a plaything, then don't have a username that even hints at this.


What pictures should I include in my profile?


This is one of the most popular questions single male clients ask me.




Taking great pictures is easier said than done, but if you want your profile to stand out and attract other swingers (of course you do!), it pays to know what pictures you should include. Less is more when it comes to dating app pictures, and I always recommend to my clients that they include no more than 6. This applies to all genders and relationship dynamics; keeping it short and simple is the key.


But why I hear you ask?


Well, you want to build intrigue, interest and curiosity. You want people thinking, 'Wow, this person looks great in clothes; I wonder what they will look like without them?' posting 20+ pictures of you naked leaves little to be desired, and a person cannot use their imagination if everything is laid out for them.


A catchy 'headline' should spark interest and curiosity and draw people into your profile.


Plus, seeing that side of you, that's only reserved for those who put in the time and effort, no? Those who work hard to see it. Why would you give access to those who don't even try?


What should I use for my main picture?


For your profile- something playful that demonstrates your passion for a hobby or a side to your character. If you enjoy a particular sport, it could be that. If it's a picture of you going to a themed swinger party, that could look good too. If you're single, make sure the photo is of you alone, and likewise, if you are a couple, then have one of you together.


For the other pictures, you could include any of the following:

• Suited and booted- formal attire/ attending a wedding

• A picture of you in 'vanilla' life- relaxed, happy

• One of you dressed for a club or swinger party.

• A black-and-white shot

• Dressed in lingerie

• One of you doing something you love.




Essentially a few words that sum you up. A catchy 'headline' should spark interest and curiosity and draw people into your profile.


When working with my coaching clients, I have assisted them in writing a tagline to include in their profile, and I'll include for you a few examples:


Lifelong libertine, the social soul of the party and intellect admirer.


Unapologetically authentic. Life excites me; I see it as an adventure waiting to be discovered.


Producer in the film industry by day. Dancing, discovery and taking you out by night.


What To Write In Your Bio


Apps appeal because they offer short, instant interaction and instant satisfaction, but unfortunately, you are often only given a limited amount of space or characters to do this in. And even if the app you are using does offer you more characters, chances are that people are so accustomed to short and sweet interaction (especially when using apps) when they see an extended profile to read through, it can end up being a turn-off.


In fact, I shared this opinion with one of my clients, whom I spoke to last week, who was struggling to strike the right balance with what to include in their profile.


To make your profile appealing on a swinger app, you must know what others look for. Striking the right balance between revealing your personality and not giving away too much is one that isn't always easy to do, but what you need to do, is write a profile that raises your value in the eyes of the 'swiper,' i.e., 'wow, this person/couple are too good to miss.'


How do you do this?


If you want to meet genuine swingers (and let's face it, we all want this), you have to demonstrate that you don't have time to mess around with anyone less than serious. So your bio should indicate this. The minute you state that you facilitate your sexual experiences (i.e. you're not looking for Mr/Miss right to come along and make it all happen) and are a woman/ man/couple who know they want, you become instantly more desirable.


This doesn't just work in the swinger community; by the way, it works in regular life too! This doesn't mean coming across as arrogant, either. Being a high-value person is all about knowing your worth and investing your time and effort accordingly.


So writing things like 'Not sure why I'm here, not sure what I'm looking for.' Or 'we are looking for fun, lol' tells the swipers one thing; this person has no idea what they are doing and doesn't take this seriously.


How To Appeal To Others


To make your profile appealing on a swinger app, you must know what others look for. The differences between the sexes are huge, and what a couple looks for and what a single person looks for are very different. It is important to remember that each of the sexes responds to different cues. And even if you are part of a couple, you will still react to these cues. If you are a single woman, to appeal to potential couples, you need to state what you are looking for and that you are confident and secure in your sexuality.


Couples tend to look for relationship stability and longevity in other potential couples and have established rules and boundaries. Remember, swinger couples hate drama! In single men, I hate to break it to you, fellas, but people generally are not that interested in the size of your anatomy, pictures of your genitals or how much of a bull you are. When looking for single men, what people find attractive is the ability to converse, respect for both parties, and a guy whos confident without being cocky.


Don't be generic, aka what not to write.


Generic profiles that lack originality or substance are just as much a turn-off as those that have gone OTT with explicit pictures, in-depth descriptions of what they want to 'do' to people, and lists of their dislikes. As I mentioned, the last thing you want to do is create a profile that offers very little insight into who you are.


Unfortunately, people tend to make two mistakes they either write a profile that sounds like this:


Hi, not sure what to write here. I'm new to this and looking for fun, lol. I'm a genuine male. What else can I say?


A lot more than that, my friend, a whole lot more!


Or they have a profile that reads like this:


We are a couple who are up for anything. We are here for sexy fun message us.


This lukewarm offering is usually accompanied by 30+ explicit naked pictures of themselves and others. Both these profiles will only generate mediocre levels of interest or time wasters. Why? Because they are not 'high-value profiles'.


Low effort attracts low investment= lousy interactions. Be more than just a list of statistics and measurements. We seem obsessed with the size of one another. Suppose a woman has massive tits? Great, if she doesn't, then that's great too! We are defined by more than our size. Guys, I know it's tempting to put your cock size in your profile, but really?! Not only is this very juvenile, but it's also quite self-deprecating!! I'm sure there's a lot more to you than how many inches you are packing.


If you are struggling to write anything positive about yourself other than how 'big' you are (this applies to women too, so stop listing your bra size and listen up), then go and focus on what makes you, you. What do you enjoy, what do you bring to the table, what do you have to offer?


How I help clients


The perfect profile example (at least that's what I think)


YinToMyYangCouple (username)


A strong, secure couple who are liberal, in love, and looking to explore! (tagline)


Hello there ;) Thanks for taking the time to read our profile! We are C and J, and it's a pleasure to meet you!


We are very secure in our relationship, having been married for over 8 years now, and we are all about giving each other the freedom to explore and enjoy life; we'd love to meet people who see life as we do, as a sexy adventure!


Life is for living, and having had some sexy experiences already within the lifestyle; we want to start going deeper!


What She (C) enjoys about being in the lifestyle: I enjoy the freedom of expression the lifestyle provides and acceptance of my bisexuality. I'm a voyeur, so it's all about seeing J with another woman!


What He (J) enjoys about being in the lifestyle: Deliciously dominant and a sexual explorer! C is my queen, but she makes a superb submissive when we play! I'd love another woman to join us, so we can both enjoy taking C further!


'Swipe Right' if you are: A bisexual or bicurious woman or a couple who enjoys great conversation and flirty cheeky banter with a couple who are confident, comfortable and keen to get kinky!


The Next Steps...


This short and direct profile tells the other party precisely who this couple is looking for, what they enjoy and why they are involved in the lifestyle. It doesn't give away too much, so further conversations can be generated; neither does it leave you guessing. Plus, the 'call to action, 'Swipe Right' if you are: is enticing. Although fictitious, this profile is similar to the ones I have crafted for my coaching clients; if you want to find out how I can help you, book an initial free consultation on my page! 

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