Using this Website
By Published on August 14, 2023

The Public Cannot See the Following

  • Any Member's Profile
  • The Photo or Video Sections
  • Closed or Secret Groups

Your screen name and avatar are publicly visible. However, unlogged-in users cannot view your profile page. 

Unverified Members - Do You Want to Interact With Them?

Some of our members only want to interact with other verified members. Some of your members are okay with interacting with unverified members. It's up to you. You can have it either way.

Every member has the following settings:

  1. Can Unverified Members view your profile?
  2. Can Unverified Members message you?


Your Profile Configurations

Choose who can see your profile page, who can message you, and many other options. Go to Profile -> Privacy Settings. 

Your Profile's Photos and Videos

The public cannot view the Photos section or the Videos section. You can configure the privacy settings for any Photos or Videos. You can make them viewable by

  • Community (logged in users)
  • Friends
  • Friends of Friends
  • Private List (just the members you select)
  • No One

See the video: Privacy Settings for Albums, Photos, and Videos

Pages are Public

Pages are designed for public exposure. The public can see all content posted to a Page. 

Open Groups are Public

The public can see all content posted to an Open Group.

Closed Groups and Secret Groups

The content in these groups can only be seen by members of these groups.



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