CNM Library
By Published on August 15, 2023


The paper explores the transitional period when a monogamous couple first decides to explore consensual nonmonogamy (CNM). It uses relational turbulence theory to understand the feelings and perceptions of individuals who have transitioned from monogamous to CNM relationships. The study recruited 210 participants over 18 years of age who had been in such a transition.

Key Points

  • Background: The paper notes that while nonmonogamous behaviors have been studied mainly in the context of infidelity, there's a growing interest in understanding CNM relationships.

  • Methodology: The study used a quantitative questionnaire to assess participants' feelings and perceptions before, during, and after the initial conversations about transitioning to CNM.

  • Findings:

    1. Feelings of relational uncertainty, partner’s facilitation and interference, and conversational valence were significant predictors of relational turbulence and conversational satisfaction.
    2. The study expands the application of relational turbulence theory to CNM relationships.
  • Significance: The paper provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners regarding CNM relationships and contributes to the understanding of relational turbulence in new contexts.

Keywords: nonmonogamous behaviors, consensual nonmonogamy, open relationships, polyamory, relationship transitions, relational turbulence theory

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