CNM Library
By Published on August 15, 2023

Gurit E. Birnbaum, Yaniv Kanat-Maymon, Moran Mizrahi, May Recanati, and Romy Orr


The paper explores how sexual fantasies affect relationships. It focuses on "dyadic fantasies" (fantasies about one's partner) and "extradyadic fantasies" (fantasies about someone other than one's partner). The study aims to understand how these fantasies contribute to relationship outcomes and the mechanisms that underlie this connection.

Key Points

  • Background: While sexual desire is a strong force in human nature, it tends to diminish over time in long-term relationships. Fantasies can serve as a way to seek novelty and variety without threatening the relationship.

  • Methodology: The research employed four studies that used complementary methods, including narrative forms and frequency ratings of fantasies, to examine their contribution to sexual desire and other nonsexual relationship outcomes.

  • Findings: Dyadic fantasizing was generally associated with heightened desire and increased engagement in relationship-promoting behaviors. The study suggests that such fantasies enhance the appeal of the partner and the relationship, motivating people to actively engage in behaviors that help build the relationship.

  • Extradyadic Fantasies: The paper also delves into the debate about whether fantasizing about someone other than the partner is beneficial or detrimental to the relationship. It leaves this as an open question, stating that it's difficult to predict the effects of extradyadic fantasizing.


The paper is significant for its in-depth look at how sexual fantasies, both about one's partner and others, can affect relationship dynamics. It provides a nuanced understanding that could be useful for therapists and individuals in relationships.


Keywords: extradyadic, fantasies, relationship quality, sexual desire, sexuality


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