By August 15, 2023
Claire Kimberly and Robert McGinley To cite this article: Claire Kimberly & Robert McGinley (2018): Changes in the swinging lifestyle: a US national and historical comparison, Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI:10.1080/13691058.2018.1460692 Abstract The paper aims to understand how the swinging lifestyle has evolved over time, comparing data from the 1980s to 2016. The study found that compared to the general population, swingers are more likely to be Caucasian, younger, educated, and wealthy. ...
By August 15, 2023
Abstract The paper argues for the value of compersion, a term used in non-monogamous communities to describe positive feelings towards a partner's intimacy with other people. The author challenges the idea that jealousy is a natural or virtuous emotional disposition, suggesting that compersion focuses on the flourishing of others and is not akin to pride, vicarious enjoyment, or masochistic pleasure. Key Points ...
What the experiences of nonmonogamous couples can tell us about jealousy, love, desire and trust. By Susan Dominus ...