By August 15, 2024
11 Views 2 Likes
I am worried I sound like a pervert when I talk about sex!   Hi Rosie, my wife and I have been married for ten years, and our relationship is excellent. About six months ago, I suggested exploring the non-monogamy, or swinger lifestyle. She was more on board than I thought she would be, and we subsequently watched some YouTube videos and tried to educate ourselves further. Since this exciting start, however, we have struggled to have further conversations; when I suggest visiting a swinger clu...
By July 9, 2024
11 Views 1 Like
Hi Rosie, I am scared of talking to my partner about starting swinging; I just don’t know how they will react!    POV: You are scared of your partner’s reaction or there being repercussions when you share your fantasies or make suggestions about the lifestyle.   Why? Why is it that we struggle to talk about intimacy, human nature and sexual desire in our relationships? Because we don’t want to jeopardise the good thing we have built, we don’t want to cause upset and insecurity and potentiall...