By October 14, 2024
20 Views 3 Likes
How To Tell Someone You Like Swinging   This article isn’t going to tell you how to talk to your partner about starting swinging. Neither is it going to advise you on how to have that conversation. I’m not going to sugarcoat the truth, and I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear. Why? Well, firstly, I already have a lot of information on how to have the swinging conversation and articles on how to get started in the lifestyle. And secondly, I wanted to share what my journey has been l...
By August 15, 2024
11 Views 2 Likes
I am worried I sound like a pervert when I talk about sex!   Hi Rosie, my wife and I have been married for ten years, and our relationship is excellent. About six months ago, I suggested exploring the non-monogamy, or swinger lifestyle. She was more on board than I thought she would be, and we subsequently watched some YouTube videos and tried to educate ourselves further. Since this exciting start, however, we have struggled to have further conversations; when I suggest visiting a swinger clu...