Content Removal/Complaint

If you believe you there is some content on our site is that is 1) illegal, or 2) violates VISA rules, there are two ways that you can inform us.

Reporting System

Members of the site may use our reporting system to flag profiles, page, groups, posts, photos, videos and other content items for a variety of reasons. We review these reports regularly. The reporting system offers a variety of reaons for reporting. These reasons include: 00 - Illegal or in violation of VISA rules.

Contact Form

Members and Non-Members maybe use our Contact Us form. The contact form offers a number of reasons for the contact, including; Content Illegal or in violation of VISA rules.

Please provide a description of the content you believe is illegal or in violation of VISA rules. Please also copy and paste the URL where we can find this content.

Review of Complaint

When someonne reports content as being either 1) illegal or 2) in violation of Visa Rules, CNM4US will review and resolve the complaint within 7 business days from the date of the report. If the reportee provided an email address, CNM4US will contact them to let them know the outcome of our review.

Upon review of the content, CNM4US will make one of the following determinations.

  1. Frivolous Complaint: the content is obviously not illegal or in violation of VISA rules.
  2. Complaint may have Merit. CNM4US will consult with CC Bill. CNM4US will honor CC Bill's determination and act accordingly. Depending on CC Bill's assessment, we may amend our content guidelines or descriptions.
  3. Valid Complaint: CNM4US will promptly remove the content.

Process of Appeals

Either the complainer or the content creator may appeal the CNM4US ruling by replying to the email with our initial determination of the complaint. We will consider their arguments and either reiterate or amend our intial ruling.

When we send this final determination, we will also include CCBill contact information so that either party may address the issue with CCBill if they wish.