By August 5, 2024
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Over recent years, the swinger lifestyle has exploded in popularity here in the UK. The UK’s diverse swinging community includes people of various ages, backgrounds, and relationship statuses. Couples, singles, and people of different sexual orientations participate.   Did you know that 1.5 million Brits are swingers? There are reported to be over 150 swingers clubs here in the UK, but how do you go about meeting one of these sexually liberated adults or visiting one of these elusive venues? ...
By July 9, 2024
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Hi Rosie, I am scared of talking to my partner about starting swinging; I just don’t know how they will react!    POV: You are scared of your partner’s reaction or there being repercussions when you share your fantasies or make suggestions about the lifestyle.   Why? Why is it that we struggle to talk about intimacy, human nature and sexual desire in our relationships? Because we don’t want to jeopardise the good thing we have built, we don’t want to cause upset and insecurity and potentiall...
By June 24, 2024
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HANDLING SWINGER EMOTIONS   Handling Swinger Emotions, this topic is part of a mini-series I am doing, all about handling emotions when swinging with another couple. I have already shared with you two great questions that I received, and in this post, I aim to uncover the mixed bag of emotions that arise when you are swinging with other playmates.   Guilt, jealousy, insecurity and discovery are all part of the process, and luckily for you, I’m right here with you to help make sense of this e...
By June 10, 2024
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Ask Rosie- Your Swinger Lifestyle Problems Solved! When I first started in the swinger lifestyle, I really struggled to find help, guidance and support. I felt there wasn't anyone to who I could talk, and when I did look online for answers, I found it difficult to relate to those who were providing the answers; most appeared to be older, US-based couples whose experiences had been completely different from my own. I also found I was unable to talk to my friends as I was fearful of being judged,...
By March 14, 2024
When attending a swingers party, lifestyle club, or any event that is along the lines of getting naked and freaky with others, its best to have some idea into what’s appropriate and what’s not. Proper Swinger Club Etiquette is something that should never be overlooked. Being respectful, considerate and playing safely whilst still being sexy are things that should be all taken into account. Before I attended my first swingers party, I searched online, hoping to find any information that would he...
By March 14, 2024
RECONNECTING AFTER SWINGING Aftercare is a term we usually associate with BDSM relationships, where the submissive partner is cared for by the dominant partner, as they transition from their roles as submissive and dominant back to Jane and Pete from Croydon. Aftercare, or reconnecting, is crucial and should never be ignored. I believe so strongly about the importance of reconnecting after swinging, that I am going to dedicate a whole post to this intimate ritual act. So as always, slip into so...
By March 14, 2024
Male Insecurities And Swinging- Help! I Can’t Get Hard! Recently, I received a question from one of my male followers, who wanted to ask for my thoughts on male sexual performance, and how did I feel about it when a guy loses his erection during a swingers party? Could I share any insight into how men could deal with this and how does it make women feel? Was there a right or wrong way to deal with it? Is there any ‘Erectile Disfunction Etiquette’ that should be followed? There’s more to it than...
By March 14, 2024
You have been chatting with another couple online, and perhaps you have had a swinger first date where you guys have discussed your expectations, limits and kinks. You have all gotten to know one another, and you like what you see! It’s only natural that you then want to meet up and turn all your fantasies into realities! Here are a few of my top tips for swinging with another couple: It would be best if you established where it is acceptable to orgasm before you orgasm! You also should ask...
By March 14, 2024
Can I enjoy swinging if I am naturally shy? Can I let you into a secret? Lean close, and I’ll whisper it in your ear. I’m naturally a shy introvert! Really?! I can hear you asking really?! This girl with all the savvy swinger know-how and the smart mouth is shy? Yep! I’m afraid so! But have I let this shyness hold me back from swinging? No! Have I learnt to overcome my shyness and have a great time when swapping partners? yes! ...
By March 14, 2024
Different Types Of Swingers we all have our own ideas as to what makes sex great! Sex is as unique as the person having it. What makes YOU tick is exclusive and reserved only for you. Yes, we may enjoy something similar to others or have shared fantasies and desires, however, the emotions, the sensations and the particular way that your body responds to sex is deeply personal. We may have wants and desires that we share, but only we know our true comfort levels. There is no right or wrong way...