Some Etiquette Guidelines

The main thing to remember is to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself - most important is courtesy and communication. You don't know if another couple is visiting for the first time ever - or if they've come to such parties for years - without talking to them. Here are some guidelines and also some strict rules to keep in mind:

  1. The most important thing to remember is consideration for the next person. That includes NO pressuring anyone, NO hassling, NO rude behavior and accepting "NO" politely.
  2. Arrive and leave a party as a couple. Do not initiate activity with other couples unless both you and your partner are willing to join. It is expected that if one person swings, his or her partner is free and willing to do so as well.
  3. Good health and hygiene is essential. Don't forget lingering alcohol or tobacco on your breath may be offensive to some.
  4. A positive mental attitude and good emotional health will make for more successful encounters.
  5. You shouldn't swing with a person unless you want to, and they don't have to swing with you. Be direct but courteous in your refusal and understanding if rejected. Not every one is compatible.
  6. Don't disturb the swinging enjoyment of others in a bedroom or other swing areas with loud or prolonged talk.
  7. Be respectful of other's privacy. Looking for a quiet intimate spot with your partner(s) is acceptable if done in a discreet manner. Intruding on other people's space by turning on lights, loudly entering an area or closing doors loudly when leaving is rude.
  8. If you bring your own beverages, only drink what you bring. Never help yourself to what others have brought unless given permission by them.
  9. Illegal substances, including marijuana, are prohibited as is soliciting money for sex. Anyone engaging in these activities will be promptly removed from the premises and be excluded from invitation list and bannded from future events.
  10. Inform the hosts if you have any concerns including another guest who is legitimate problem, won't take "no" for an answer or is objectionable in any real way. Do so discreetly so the issue can be addressed in a way to cause the least amount of embarrassment to you, the host and the person causing the problem.