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Complete your Profile Complete your profile and let people know it's active! We will delete the accounts of Unverified users who have yet to upload an avatar and cover image after 30 days.  Upload an Avatar Image Upload a Cover Image ...
CNM4US Chat Features CNM4US chat is based on CometChat, an enterprise chat solution. CometChat has a rich and reliable feature set. To activate the chat feature, click on the the burgundy chat icon in the bottom-right corner of your browser window. Once opened, you will see icons at the bottom of your chat screen for Chats: conservations already started with other members or groups. Click on a chat to pickup where you left off. ...
Criminal Background Checks: A Step Towards Safer Connections Many dating sites are experimenting with some type of background check. We are all struggling with finding ways to bring more trust into online dating system. Match.com invested over $1 million in Garbo--a non-invasive background check system. Because Garbo didn't ask too many questions about you, it also came up with so many false positives as to render it's assessments worthless. Match.com ended up abandoning their partnership with...
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Don't Yuk Someone's Yum In a sex-positive environment, we want everyone to feel comfortable talking about the things that turn them on, as well as the things that don't. It's not necessary to put down someone else' preferences in order to communicate yours. Claiming to only be talking about how you feel is not sufficient to get you off the hook for a Community Guidelines Violation. Because this topic is somewhat fuzzy, I wanted to provide greater details regarding everyone's responsibility in...
Featured Member—What's That? See the yellow flag with the white diamond when you are searching for Members? That is the Featured Member flag. Featured Members also have yellow PINS on the Members Map.   How do you qualify to be Featured? ...
By September 27, 2023
What Happens to the Videos You Post Your Videos are only available on CNM4US. They are not published anywhere else. We've taken care of all the technical details for you. Just upload your video and we will modify it so that everyone can watch it, no matter what kind of device they have and no matter what type of connection they have. You must have a Verified account to upload videos. CNM4US.com uses Mux to transcode and display/deliver your videos. We do not store your videos on our servers....
CNM4US Mission This purpose of this website is to create a sex-positive space for people to explore consensual non-monogamy. Education Titilation ...
The Public Cannot See the Following Any Member's Profile The Photo or Video Sections Closed or Secret Groups ...
Members Map The Members Map is centered around your postal code, assuming you are logged in and have entered a postal code into your profile. Click on each pin to see a popup of that member. Each pin matches a member profile below the map. If you click on the member image in the popup, you'll end up on that member's profile.  ...
User Verification CNM4US is joining the ranks of sites offering user verification.  Facebook ...
Bug Fixes This blog will record known software bugs. If you are encountering a problem with the site, look here first to see if we already know about it. If its not on this page, then either leave a post on the Using this Website Page, or leave a comment on this blog article. Secret Groups show up in Group Blocks. They remain inaccessible to non-members. The developers know about this bug, and a fix is on the way. FIXED ...
Member Badges CNM4US assigns badges to help members find their best matches. Below are images and descriptions of our member badges. Verified Upon completing the verification process, the Verified symbol, a blue checkmark beside the member's username, appears automatically.  See Verification to learn more.  ...