Website Directions & Suggestions

You can find many detailed articles on site features in the Blog.

If you'd like to request a feature, report a bug, or dicuss website policies, leave a post on this page.


Welcome to CNM4US!

We are new but growing! If you want to our membership grow, see the article on our affiliate progam. It's a simple way to earn money and make the site grow by posting links.

Most importantly--COMPLETE YOUR PROFILE!

  • Make sure you have an Avatar image (that little circle image). Best size is 400px x 400px. But you will get a chance to resize/reposition it.
  • Make sure you have a cover image. Best size is 1168x by 400px. But you get a chance to reposition it.
  • Write something in your description. What are you about? What are you looking for.

Incomplete profiles will be deleted after 30 days.

Information About Features and Policies

There are many aricles on both features and policies for this site. You can find them in the USING THIS WEBSITE section.

If You Have Questions

  • Message Admin using the chat app.
  • Email
  • Use our AI Knowledgebase--icon on lower right of page.